Novel? What novel? Write it!

Novel? What novel? Write it!

Because I’m doing so many things I love in addition to writing, I will often go more than a few days without working on my YA. I don’t like this because when I do get back to it, I’ve lost momentum and have to get it back by re-reading previous...
Revision vs. Rewrite

Revision vs. Rewrite

With most of my novels, I call it revising, but it’s really rewriting. Revision vs. Rewrite. What’s the difference and why do I care? Revision For me, revising is when I’m reworking scenes and maybe even adding and deleting some scenes, but the...
Happy Birthday, Click Here!

Happy Birthday, Click Here!

In 2002, I finished a novel that I absolutely loved and turned it into my critique group. It had started out as a 13-chapter middle school book called My Own Two Feet and morphed into a 31-chapter book (yes, 13 transposed!) called Click Here (to find out how i...
Telling the Inner Critic to SHUT UP

Telling the Inner Critic to SHUT UP

Recently I was reading three financial tips from Tony Robbins and they really resonated in all areas of my life. I reworded the first one so it fit my writing and career a little better: What do you tend to focus on more— what you’ve accomplished or what...
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