Fast & Lite Feedback for Picture Book

When you don't want as much depth and detail!

Welcome, fellow writer!

Kudos to you for knowing feedback is an important part of making your manuscript the best it can be. There is so much about the publishing process that is out of our control as writers but what IS in our control is the quality of the manuscripts we send out.

With my Fast & Lite feedback, I provide a more high level critique of picture books than I do for my standard manuscript critiques. I turn these critiques around more quickly and they don’t include a follow-up call. 


Depending on which option you choose, I may touch on some of these craft elements:

  • whether it reads like a picture book story (as opposed to a short story or even a book for much older readers)
  • character
  • voice
  • plot
  • theme/story point/message
  • pacing
  • structure
  • illustration considerations


Choose the one that’s right for you!


Unless otherwise noted on this page, I’m always accepting manuscripts for Fast & Lite Feedback,
as opposed to my more detailed critiques or consultations where I often have to close submissions periodically.


If you are new to writing picture books, please make sure you have some basics down before receiving any feedback. You can learn a lot online and by taking classes and if you decide to receive feedback from me, I will ask you to share what experience/education you have before we work together. You may also opt to get that experience through my live foundation sessions–Zoom or in-person depending on the current state of CO-VID–or combine getting feedback by participating in one of my “I’m New to Picture Books!” programs. See the Consultation and Coaching page for more information.

Response times are from the date I receive your manuscript.





Review of the first 50 words of your story. I will provide a short feedback paragraph (around 100 words from me). Best for those wondering if their opening feels like a picture book and grabs attention.

Response: within 1-2 business days



Fast Full


1-2 read-throughs of the full story, 2-3 paragraphs of high level feedback from me (around 500-600 words from me).

Maximum word count (excluding illustration notes): 1,000

Response: within 3-4 business days (depending on response to this offer)


All In


Multiple reads, 2-3 pages high level and some detailed feedback (800-1,000 words from me)

Maximum word count (excluding illustration notes): 1,000

Response: within 5-6 business days (depending on response to this offer)

 Denise is an amazing person to trust with a manuscript in process. Her comments are thorough and insightful, and I truly value her suggestions and perspective as a published and working author. Thank you again, Denise! I can’t wait to send you my next picture book manuscript!

Jennie MacDonald

Author and Photographer

 Denise is incredibly qualified to offer this service and her feedback reflects that. I would recommend any aspiring writer to work with her — she is beyond worth the money.

Emily C



Not sure which Fast & Lite is right for you? You can set up a free 15-minute call with Denise.  Just fill out the form and she’ll will contact you.

NOTE: Be sure to verify your email address is typed correctly before submitting.

Fast & Lite Inquiry

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