Novel Detours

Novel Detours

So a couple of weeks ago I was working away on revisions for FADE AWAY and needed to think about the motivation behind a current scene. As I thought about it, the motivation began to take shape, to become a scene in and of itself. So I started to write the scene and...

Revisions and Graduation

Yesterday was my hubby’s birthday. True to our lives, we couldn’t do anything special because of sports practices. But we did go grab a bite to eat and I made him an apple cobbler, which he loves, so that was pretty good. My sister, Rebecca, graduated from...

School Visits

I had what I believe was my last school visit of the year this past Monday. Every school I’ve gone to has it’s own gifts to give me. I’ve spoken most often to fifth and sixth grade, but the seventh and eighth graders I’ve gotten to meet over...

Writing in the Cold of May

You’d never know it’s May in Colorado. Brrrr. All this cold weather and rain and snow has been a bummer. And of course both furnaces are out so we are running around with space heaters trying to stay warm. But–at least the sun is out today and it...