Writing Goals: One month check-in

Writing Goals: One month check-in

A month ago I wrote about my experience with a writing workshop about energizing our writing and setting some goals.  I’ve decided to do a check in on my blog to keep myself honest and to see where I need to make adjustments. After setting broad goals for 2014,...
At the Core of Our Resolutions

At the Core of Our Resolutions

Back in July, I wrote about digging a little deeper when it comes to why we write. Goal setting is great and I thrive on it (I love checking off tasks and gaining that sense of accomplishment), but it has been amazing how answering deeper questions about why I write...
Friday Focus: Progress Check in

Friday Focus: Progress Check in

So back in January I set up my 2013 Writing Goals and for the first time ever, tried to set goals that I could actually meet. I’ve actually completed goals 1 and 2 and am focused on #3, where I am trying an experiment. I’m using Blake Snyder’s Save...
My 2013 Writing Resolutions

My 2013 Writing Resolutions

Happy new year! If you read my post yesterday, you know that not only did I promise to post my goals, but I also mentioned that during the writing of my #4 tip, I actually went back and removed a goal from my list. Things always seem to happen during the course of a...