Happy new year!
If you read my post yesterday, you know that not only did I promise to post my goals, but I also mentioned that during the writing of my #4 tip, I actually went back and removed a goal from my list. Things always seem to happen during the course of a year – last year it was family stuff, lots of author events and classes that I taught, and two graduations…so I’ve pared my list down to three. They seem achievable and posting them makes me feel more accountable. I really want to be able to report here in June that I completed these goals!
The other thing I realized was that, as I wrote my mini-goals for the novel, I needed to adjust the date to give myself more time because of vacations and classes I’m teaching. So it was good to write the mini-goals to see how my time would unfold and forced me to evaluate and adjust my bigger goal. I really, really, really hope I finish sooner, but I’m giving myself six months because that should be plenty of time and allow for some unforeseen events since I’ve written a good chunk of Act I.
Denise’s 2013 Writing Resolutions
1. Set up GoodReads Rock On paperback giveaway/send out announcement postcards (January).
- Write copy by Jan 15
- Set up contest
- Hand off mailing labels, cards, and stamps to my sister for mailing
2. Write Fact of Life #31 short story and submit to critique group (February).
- Finalize 1-line “what’s it about” summary by January 7
- Write 1-2 pages per day January 7 -22 before vacay to complete first draft.
- Revise and submit to group (February).
3. Finish new YA and submit to critique group (June). NOTE: I am using Blake Snyder’s Save the Cat Beat Sheet to plot my novel so have set mini-goals related to that (factoring in my vacation during which I won’t be writing and the fact that some beats require more scenes/chapters than others). I’ve completed some beats, but changed one so that will involve some additional writing/rewriting.
- January: Beats 4, 5, 6
- February: Beats 7, 8, 9
- March: Beats 10, 11
- April: Beats 12, 13
- May: Beats 14, 15
- June: Revise and submit to group
I will report back in June on my progress.
I just realized that all of these goals are supposed to be finished by June. That means if I meet them, I’ll have the second half of the year to meet other goals – like revising the new novel after feedback and getting it to my agent!