Are You Willing to Change to Get Results?

Are You Willing to Change to Get Results?

“To get something you have never gotten before, you’ve got to do something you’ve never done before.” ~ Celestine Chua Like this post? Subscribe to my Blab-o-Denise blog and receive notifications of new posts by email! Email Address Subscribe The idea that we must do...
Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

“By recording your dreams and goals on paper, you set in motion the process of becoming the person you most want to be. Put your future in good hands—your own.” ~ Mark Victor Hansen Like this post? Subscribe to my Blab-o-Denise blog and receive...
2015 in Review

2015 in Review

Now that I have my new year, new approach, I was interested to see how things turned out with respect to the Goal Setting class I’d taken a year ago at Lighthouse Writers Workshop. Part of the class includes writing two letters to ourselves about our goals and...
New Year, New Approach

New Year, New Approach

I’m a bit of a self-help/self-improvement junkie. I read or listen to a lot of books, watch inspiring videos, and always feel motivated to change…at least initially. But many of them have exercises or new ways of approaching my life and I rarely did them...