Novel Detours

Novel Detours

So a couple of weeks ago I was working away on revisions for FADE AWAY and needed to think about the motivation behind a current scene. As I thought about it, the motivation began to take shape, to become a scene in and of itself. So I started to write the scene and...
Mulling Over Feedback

Mulling Over Feedback

As I was considering a title for this post, I looked up the word “mull.” The first definition is “to grind or mix thoroughly; pulverize.” I found this fascinating. If I was mulling feedback as opposed to mulling over feedback, my approach would...

New Book is Progressing

Okay, so I’ve already blown the 2009 resolution I made in my January entry. Bad Denise! But at least it wasn’t three or four months going by, which I know has happened in the past. So, to continue the absolutely fascinating saga of the progress (or not) that I’m...

Revision Rollercoaster

We had the big discussion of my new novel at my critique group December 6 and it went very well. The best thing about it was that I had written questions ahead of time and notes about what I thought needed work and everything was validated by what the group said. It’s...
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