Okay, so I’ve already blown the 2009 resolution I made in my January entry. Bad Denise! But at least it wasn’t three or four months going by, which I know has happened in the past.
So, to continue the absolutely fascinating saga of the progress (or not) that I’m making on my new YA novel – you know the one that has a guy main character who plays the guitar? Well, I’m happy to say that I am now very sure where I am going, unlike where I was in January when I wrote the post below. I’ve made progress! Not just literal writing progress but also knowledge of the character and story progress. BUT, I have not written the last chapter or scene yet. I did a session on revision at the CLAS (Colorado Language Arts Society) Spring Conference with the amazing and talented Julie Anne Peters and we talked about writing the last chapter first. Julie is famous in our critique group for doing that and I remember saying to her years ago that I didn’t think I could write the last chapter first because it was liking having dessert before dinner – I wanted something to look forward to and if I wrote the last chapter or scene first, what did I have to look forward to?
But it really helped to focus when I did it for the follow-up to CLICK HERE so I need to get my act together and write it for this new book. Okay, I’m going to do that this week.
I am now putting a reminder in Outlook to write in this blab at least once more this month. I’d like to be able to say I’ve made tons of progress on the new book, including writing the last chapter.