Happy Birthday, Click Here!

Happy Birthday, Click Here!

In 2002, I finished a novel that I absolutely loved and turned it into my critique group. It had started out as a 13-chapter middle school book called My Own Two Feet and morphed into a 31-chapter book (yes, 13 transposed!) called Click Here (to find out how i...

Banned Books Week

“What man does not understand, he fears; and what he fears, he tends to destroy.” –William Butler Yeats This week I won’t be following my usual schedule so that I can talk about banned books, share titles, interviews, and videos. BANNED! One...

First Times

Welcome to Inspiration Wednesday! Since this is the first Wednesday of my new website, which launched last Thursday, September 6, I wanted to write about firsts – hence the #1 image to the left. First Books The image contains the covers for my first two books to...

Acceptances and New Book

So ROCK ON will be published by Little, Brown, the same folks who published CLICK HERE and ACCESS DENIED! I just found out on Thursday and I’m really excited. But it will be awhile before it comes out so hopefully it will be worth the wait for everyone. In the...

Awards and Writing

It’s repeat time – I still haven’t written the last chapter for my new novel. BUT I do have a good excuse (is there such a thing as a good excuse?). My excuse is that I’m not sure which story line will become stronger – the brother story or the girlfriend story...