I’m absolutely THRILLED to announce an original e-short story related to Fact of Life #31! The story is called “Kat Flynn’s Guide to Getting Over a Crush” and works a little bit like a prequel to the novel, though not precisely (if I’d known I was going to write this story five years ago, I would have written the novel a little differently…ah well). For example, there are two characters in “Kat Flynn’s Guide”–Mira and JT–who are not in the book.

In this story, we get a more in-depth look at her crush on Manny Cruz and her attempts to deal with it.

The story is available for FREE in all the formats below. Download and enjoy it today – it may shift to a paid version in the future.

And speaking of free, make sure you enter to win an autographed paperback copy of Fact of Life #31 on Goodreads. Click the cover in the sidebar for more info.


Amazon Kindle Nook Book iBook Sony Reader Kobo PDF for a device

Note that the PDF is formatted specifically to be read on a device. You can read it on your computer, but it’s a little funky :).

If the format for your device isn’t listed here, let the moderator know and we’ll hook you up! And let us know if any of them give you trouble.

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