Well, I haven’t written the last chapter, but I’ve written the big climax scene. I wrote it on the RMC-SCBWI summer retreat and it’s smokin’. Now I’m writing all the scenes that lead up to the climax. And I have a decent idea of the final scene of the book, so that’s something. So all that is good.Let’s see, if I wait three months to add another entry to this thing, maybe I’ll be able to report that I actually finished. Naw. That would be pushing my luck. But I really want to be finished because I’m already thinking about my next book!

Oh, and if you didn’t see it on the scroll on the home page, FACT OF LIFE #31 tied for the win for the Colorado Authors’ League Top Hand Awards in YA fiction. It tied with Wick Downing’s THE TRIALS OF KATE HOPE, which is an awesome book about a 14-year-old who is a lawyer in the ‘70’s. He’s in my critique group so that made it extra cool.

And FOL31 also won the Colorado Book Award for Young Adult Fiction so “double prizes” as Sid from TOY STORY would say. It was really exciting and truly such an honor.

Happy final days of summer…

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