by Denise Vega | February 23, 2017 | Writing Inspiration
I had every intention of writing a post last Thursday. After all, we returned late Tuesday night and I had Wednesday to do it. Ha. Between sleep deprivation, the time change, and a mountain of other things, I completely forgot—in spite of the reminder that pops...
by Denise Vega | April 7, 2016 | Writing Inspiration
Because I’m doing so many things I love in addition to writing, I will often go more than a few days without working on my YA. I don’t like this because when I do get back to it, I’ve lost momentum and have to get it back by re-reading previous...
by Denise Vega | May 29, 2014 | Writing Inspiration
I can’t believe I haven’t posted since April 16 and yet I can because I’ve been going gangbusters working on final revisions for my novel and teaching a wonderful Middle Grade/YA class at Lighthouse Writers Workshop where we read and critiqued up to...