Yesterday’s prompt: He walked to the corner, catching something out of the corner of his eye. When he turned to look,

Here’s my take:

He walked to the corner, catching something out of the corner of his eye. When he turned to look, a dark figure was disappearing around the wall, cape billowing behind him. Cape? What kind of person wore a cape?

Part of him wanted to follow, just to find out the answer to that question. Yet when he thought about it, thought about actually taking the steps to go after the guy, he felt an odd shiver run through him. Odd because he wasn’t usually the type to get freaked out about things.

He found himself turning in the opposite direction, striding away, putting distance between himself and the mysterious person in the cape. With each step he felt better, lighter and he ignored the small tick of annoyance that poked at him. So what if he didn’t want to follow the guy? It wasn’t like he was afraid. He just didn’t want to. He had other things to do. More important things than following a stranger just because he was walking around like some superhero wannabe.

It had nothing to do with the odd shiver he’d felt. Nothing at all.

Very interesting. I didn’t expect the cape to get so much focus. Or for the character to be unwilling to admit he was afraid. My mind is already moving forward to the person in the cape. I’d explore the possibility that it was a girl. I think that would be a little unexpected.

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