Gee, this writing once a month in the blog has got to go. I can’t believe it’s been that long.
BIG NEWS: I dropped the manuscript for my second novel in the mail to my editor and agent. It’s titled FACT OF LIFE #31 right now. I did a happy jig as it thumped heavily into the postage bin–it’s 342pp, about 90,000 words right now, which is long for me. But I’m really happy with it and am crossing my fingers that my agent and editor like it, too. It will need revision but hopefully not another rewrite, which is what I just did–twice–in the last year.
We also just had our Fall Conference for the Rocky Mtn Chapter of SCBWI. It went really well, I’m told. When you’re in the thick of it with planning and organizing, it’s hard to tell how it’s all coming together. But we had fabulous speakers and everyone seemed thrilled. I enjoyed the talks I attended and thought the talk I gave went okay–not as smoothly as I would have liked, but not too bad.